Thursday, August 5, 2010


Convergent & Divergent thinking ...

-Convergent is where all the possibilities can be turn into solution .
-Divergent is where the possibilities that can be develop from the main subject .

-Mind map is the way of a person to improve , making clear , saving time , confident and new discoveries to make a new ideas or to get a new ideas . The layouts and the technique of creating the mind map that is important to make it more easier to approach .

This is a way of brainstorming can help in developing ideas . This is a good practice to make sure more point of view can be created or more point of idea can be created .


For me what can i see is that Neville Brody is a creative man . He is a famous typeface designer that always creating a font that is in the flowing with the age or maybe we can say modern ways . He is a perfectionism guy that like to make a perfect art work . He is a good example or a creative person .

Neville Brody


In this week of class novelty , creativity & invention was explain to us

-a creative person is the one that create new ideas .
-through creative process , it is the way a creative person produce the ideas .
-innovation is when the ideas are turned into reality that is the way of creative person introduce it .
- novelty can be subjective & objective :
~subjective is the way of people give perception towards something that is new .
~objective is the development and always based on the idea that already created .

this is the steps or a conclusion what a creative people need to have in them in the way of them to create new and more creative and developing ideas .


From today class i have learned creativity is a different thinking . Example from what i said is that people have different view from a problem , if u lined up 3 person with from different majoring and ask them the way of solution to a problem , they will come out with different answer or different solution and that solution is come from the creativity of the way of that person think . If a person have negative thinking and the answer will be negative . It all depends on the way of the person thinks .

There are formula to be creative that is when u combine ABILITY + ATTITUDE + PROCESS .
The ability is referred to the imaginative side
The attitude is referred to the way a person act towards
The process is referred to the improvement from it
add it all up and it will create CREATIVITY .


In class today that was conduct by Mr.Yap , my mind is like being opened on the other side of thinking . First i thought it was like boring then i makes seen to me that every single person on earth can be creative or more creative just by adjusting the way of our thinking . For me it is like a small switch in my brain that trigger the creative mode of the brain (this is how image it) . The way of a person think is different from others . That makes some of us more creative then others . People that thinks out of the box is the creative people .

Just to show example just compare the way of Pablo Picasso think and the way of G.Bush think .
We can see the out come from this two people and it is totally different . One is a artist that create painting and the other one is a president that want to make his country richer .

Sorry if my example is not clear enough for this topic but that is the way of how i understand . Though it just an intro class but still it give me sort of stuff to think and help me in my studies .